Structure Medium Analysis Program
Static Finite Element Analysis
Both SMAP-S2 and SMAP-S3 are advanced static finite element programs
for geometric and material nonlinear structure-medium interaction analysis.
Both programs have specific applications for modeling geomechanical problems
associated with multi-staged excavation or embankment.
SMAP-S2 is the 2-dimensional version which takes account of plane stress,
plane strain and axisymmetry configurations.
SMAP-S3 is the 3-dimensional version which takes static portion of SMAP-3D.
Refer fo features of SMAP-3D.
The material models in SMAP-S2 include Von Mises, Mohr-Coulomb,
Drucker-Prager, and In Situ Rock models. The In Situ Rock model incorporates
the Hoek and Brown empirical data base tabulated for several different rock
types as a function of rock quality.
Features of SMAP-S2
Continuum element allows 2-D plane strain, plane stress and
axisymmetric analyses. It can be used for soils, rocks and concrete
media. Material yielding and tension-cutoff are considered.
Joint element allows separation and sliding along the interface.
It can be used for modeling rock joints, fault zones, or structure-soil interfaces.
Beam element allows axial, bending and shear deformations.
It can be used for rectangular, T-shape or I-shape reinforced concrete
or composite beams. Cracking and crushing of concrete and yielding
of the reinforcing bar are considered.
Truss element allows yielding, buckling and post-buckling.
It can be used for rock bolts and anchor bars.
Ii contains automatic node renumbering scheme to reduce bandwidth.
Updated Lagrangian Formulation is used to model large deformations.
It is capable of solving up to 99,990 elements or nodes.
It contains several pre-processing programs which can be used
to generate nodal coordinates, boundary constraints, element indexes,
and applied loads for continuum, beam and truss elements.

Output Data from SMAP-S2
Analysis results are saved numerically in a number of different output files
for displacements, stresses, strains and section forces.
Following graphical outputs are available:
- Finite element mesh and Deformed shape
- Principal stress distribution
- Contours of stresses, strains and displacements
- Section forces, extreme fiber stresses and strains in beam
- Axial forces, stresses and strains in truss element
- Histories of displacements, stresses and strains at selected nodes
and elements

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